LESGO is a parallel pseudo-spectral large-eddy simulation code.

CGNS and HDF5 may be used for IO in LESGO, but they must be installed separately to take advantage of these features. Below are instructions for installing these libraries (based on CGNS 3.3.0)

It is required to build with Fortran and parallel IO support.

The following bash commands should install HDF5 from the SVN repository and CGNS from the git repository. The install locations need to be specified in the Makefile. To build these libraries you will need gfortran, gcc, zlib, an mpi version(tested with openmpi and mvapich2)

Bash script

The following bash script has been used to successfully install these libraries. However, it may have to be changed for different systems of library versions.


# Location to install hdf5
export HDF5INSTALL=$HOME/hdf5
# Location to install CGNS
# MPI compiler mpicc
export MPICC=mpicc

# HDF5
svn co -q https://svn.hdfgroup.uiuc.edu/hdf5/branches/hdf5_1_8
cd hdf5_1_8 
CC=$MPICC ./configure --enable-fortran --enable-parallel --enable-shared --prefix=$HDF5INSTALL
make install

git clone -b master https://github.com/CGNS/CGNS.git CGNS
cd CGNS/src    
export FC=gfortran
export F77=gfortran
export CC=mpicc
export FLIBS="-Wl,--no-as-needed -ldl -lz"
export LIBS="-Wl,--no-as-needed -ldl -lz"
./configure --verbose \
--enable-parallel \
--with-fortran \
--with-hdf5=$HDF5INSTALL \
--with-mpi \
--enable-64bit \
--enable-lfs \
--disable-cgnstools \
--disable-x \
--prefix=$CGNSINSTALL \
--libdir=$CGNSINSTALL/lib \
make install